Supernatural (Supernatural )

Marnix Goossens, Untitled (Nightlight), 2003, 175 * 125 cm, Photograph Marnix Goossens, Untitled (Butterfly), 2002, 160 * 125 cm, Photograph Marnix Goossens, Untitled (Blue leaves), 2003, 160 * 125 cm, Photograph Marnix Goossens, Untitled (Curtain), 2003, 160 * 125 cm, Photograph Marnix Goossens, Untitled (Disabled tree), 2002, 95 * 80 cm, Photograph Marnix Goossens, Untitled (Soundscreen with bird), 2003, 160 * 125 cm, Photograph Marnix Goossens, Untitled (Tree), 2003, 175 * 125 cm, Photograph Marnix Goossens, Fowl Play, 2002, 80 * 100 cm, Photograph Elspeth Diederix, Video, 2003, 125 * 159 cm, Photograph Elspeth Diederix, Banana still life, 2003, 80 * 63 cm, Photograph Elspeth Diederix, Table / bottle, 2002, 100 * 80 cm, Photograph Elspeth Diederix, Jeroen with horse, 2003, 125 * 156 cm, Photograph Elspeth Diederix, Hummingbirds, 2003, 60 * 80 cm, Photograph Elspeth Diederix, Caroline, 2002, 100 * 126 cm, Photograph Elspeth Diederix, Forest, 2003, 80 * 126 cm, Photograph Elspeth Diederix, Landscape (Carbage bag), 2002, 100 * 147 cm, Photograph Elspeth Diederix, Cloud, 2003, 150 * 190 cm, Photograph Elspeth Diederix, Untitled (Father with waterbottles), 2002, 125 * 100 cm, Photograph Marnix Goossens, Untitled (Monkeyfruit), 2002, 95 * 80 cm, Photograph Marnix Goossens, Untitled (Waterfall), 2002, 160 * 125 cm, Photograph